
Heidelberg to Greven train

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Heidelberg - Greven Train Schedule

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Trip Summary

There is usually just one train option from Heidelberg to Greven per day. The average train journey from Heidelberg to Greven takes 10 hours and 41 minutes, though some trains might be a few minutes slower or faster.

Distance192 mi (309 km)
Fastest train10h 41m
Lowest price$42.69
Most frequent serviceFlixTrain
Train lines1

Which train should you take from Heidelberg to Greven?

FlixTrain is the one and only train line which connects Heidelberg to Greven. Furthermore, there is only one train per day, so you will have to plan your travel around this limited availability. On the other hand, you won't have to spend a ton of time comparing a bunch of possible options.

TrainDaily TripsAvg. TimeAvg. Price
FlixTrain110h 41m$42.69
  • Part of the FlixBus family, FlixTrain launched in 2018 to offer affordable and sustainable train travel in Germany. Its trains provide Wi-Fi, power outlets, air conditioning, onboard restrooms, and access to an entertainment portal full of movies, games, and music. In addition, each passenger gets a guaranteed seat, so you don't have to worry about standing in any aisles. FlixTrain operates 1 daily trips to Greven from Heidelberg. The train usually departs from Train Station in Heidelberg and arrives at Münster Osnabrück International Airport in Greven after about 10 hours and 41 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

The distance between Heidelberg and Greven is approximately 192 miles, or 309 kilometers. The average train journey between these two cities takes 10 hours and 41 minutes,

Looking for ways to pass the time? Most trains are equipped with Wi-Fi, which means you can stream music, browse social media or get some work done during your ride. That said, in case your train has a spotty signal, or is among the few without Wi-Fi, we also recommend downloading TV shows and movies to your mobile device in advance of your trip. That way the ride will fly by whatever the Wi-Fi situation.

Sunday tends to be the busiest day of the week with travelers taking trains from Heidelberg to Greven. Ticket price also tend to be more expensive on Sunday than other days. If you are hoping to have more room on the train and even save some change check out travel options on Sunday instead, as less people travel then and deals are more likely to be found.

Most days, there is only one train which leaves Heidelberg at 9:00am and arrives in Greven around 10 hours later.

Typically there is only one scheduled train per day. However, it is not a direct train. This means that you will need to disembark from your original train and board a connecting train at some point during your journey. You will need to remember to bring your carry-on luggage with you when you transfer trains. Depending on the carrier's policy, you may also be responsible for transferring your own checked baggage.

You can also take a train for your return trip from Greven to Heidelberg.

City Information


Heidelberg - DEHDG-0

Image credit: Unsplash

Heidelberg - DEHDG-1

Image credit: Unsplash

Heidelberg - DEHDG-2

Image credit: Unsplash

Located on the river Neckar in the southwest of Germany, the university town of Heidelberg is one of the country's most popular destinations. From impressive Baroque and Renaissance architecture to exciting museums, festive Christmas markets, and fantastic shopping, this town has something for everyone.

The first thing you'll see in Heidelberg is the Schloss Heidelberg or Heidelberg Palace. Sitting on a hill overlooking the city, this impressive castle was once the seat of Heidelberg's Prince-Electors. Although rebuilt following the Thirty Years War in the 1600s, this beautiful ruin is open to visitors with audio tours available daily. And as one of the most-Instagrammed castles in Germany, the palace is the perfect backdrop for your next envy-inspiring post. While in the castle, visit the Apotheken-Museum, which displays the history of pharmacies and medical science in Germany.

Heidelberg is also home to the famous hike, Philosopher's Way. Taking its name from the many university academics that used to hike this route for the solitude and views to inspire them, this route rambles up the southern side of the Heiligenberg. With exotic vegetation and a temperate climate during the summer months, it's easy to think that you've accidentally walked all the way to the Mediterranean.

Although Heidelberg does not have an airport, the Mannheim Airport is under 15km away, and it's easy to take a train from Mannheim to Heidelberg. Intercity bus service provides transportation to Heidelberg from many domestic and international destinations. Many direct trains run to Heidelberg from across Germany and other European cities, too, so there is no shortage of travel options to get to this fabulous city.

Station Information

Where is the train station in Heidelberg?

Main departure station: Train Station

There is one train station in Heidelberg.

All train stations in Heidelberg:

  • Train Station

Where is the train station in Greven?

Main arrival station: Münster Osnabrück International Airport

Greven has one train station.

Train stations in Greven:

  • Münster Osnabrück International Airport

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