
Rantoul to Libby train

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Rantoul - Libby Train Timetable

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Trip Summary

2 trains operate daily from Rantoul to Libby. The train trip from Rantoul to Libby is usually about 38 hours and 27 minutes long. However, be prepared just in case your train arrives slightly earlier or later than scheduled.

Distance1454 mi (2341 km)
Fastest train38h 27m
Lowest price£177.77
Most frequent serviceAmtrak
Train lines1

Which train should you take from Rantoul to Libby?

Amtrak is the one and only train line which connects Rantoul to Libby. The schedule is relatively limited as the train only runs twice a day.

TrainDaily TripsAvg. TimeAvg. Price
Amtrak21d 14h 27m£177.77
  • Amtrak is the largest passenger railroad service in America, offering daily intercity trains to hundreds of destinations across the contiguous United States, as well as several cities in Canada. Every Amtrak train comes equipped with comfortable seats with extra legroom, as well as several four-seat areas with tables in the middle. In addition, each car has a freshly cleaned restroom, free WiFi and power outlets at every seat. There are also snack bars where you can purchase drinks or food during your journey. On average, there are 2 Amtrak trains from Rantoul to Libby every day, as well as 2 trips on the weekends, with prices starting from £178.

Frequently Asked Questions

The distance between Rantoul and Libby is approximately 1454 miles, or 2341 kilometers. The average train journey between these two cities takes 38 hours and 27 minutes,

Looking for ways to pass the time? Most trains are equipped with Wi-Fi, which means you can stream music, browse social media or get some work done during your ride. That said, in case your train has a spotty signal, or is among the few without Wi-Fi, we also recommend downloading TV shows and movies to your mobile device in advance of your trip. That way the ride will fly by whatever the Wi-Fi situation.

Trains departing from Rantoul to Libby tend to have the most passengers on Monday. With higher demand ticket prices also tend to be higher on Monday. If you are trying to snag a cheap train tickets or just want an emptier train you'll have better luck by booking travel departing on Monday as the least number of people tend to travel then.

The earliest train departs Rantoul at 10:00 while the last train of the day leaves at 10:00. To see all scheduled departure times, use the search function on this page to get the full schedule for your specific travel dates.

Trains leave the station in Rantoul twice a day, so there are a couple of options depending on your preferred travel time. However, there are no direct trains. This means that you will need to disembark from your original train and board a connecting train at some point during your journey. You will need to remember to bring your carry-on luggage with you when you change trains. Depending on the carrier's policy, you may also be responsible for transferring your own checked baggage.

City Information

Station Information

Where is the train station in Rantoul?

Main departure station: W Sangamon and N Kentucky Aves

There is one train station in Rantoul.

All train stations in Rantoul:

  • W Sangamon and N Kentucky Aves

Where is the train station in Libby?

Main arrival station: 100 Mineral Ave

Libby has one train station.

Train stations in Libby:

  • 100 Mineral Ave

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