
Chicago to St. Louis - Compare Coaches, Trains and Flights

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Travel from Chicago to Saint Louis

There are a variety of ways to get from Chicago to St. Louis other than having to drive there yourself. Primary methods of travel include riding a coach, taking a train or flying. Deciding between these options will depend on what you value most between price, speed and comfort. Here is what you need to know:

Fastest time

5h 20m

Cheapest ticket


Daily trips


Traveling by Amtrak train is the most comfortable way to get from Chicago to St. Louis. Fares start at about US$25, with 5 trains departing each day.

This route is serviced by Amtrak Lincoln Service and Amtrak Texas Eagle, though the Lincoln service tends to be just a little bit faster and cheaper. Both offer comfortable seats with extra legroom.

Fastest time

5h 10m

Cheapest ticket


Daily trips


With ticket prices as low as US$1, and 14 trips departing at different times throughout the day, traveling by coach between Chicago and St. Louis is a solid, budget-friendly option.

The coach carriers servicing this route — Megacoach and Greyhound — offer amenities like power outlets, on-board bathrooms and free Wi-Fi. Greyhound also has a direct coach to St. Louis’s Lambert International Airport.

Fastest time

1h 13m

Cheapest ticket


Daily trips


With a typical travel time of about 1 hour 30 minutes for nonstop flights, taking a plane is definitely the fastest way to get from Chicago to St. Louis.

O’Hare International Airport suggests arriving 2 hours prior to your scheduled flight, so make sure you plan accordingly. ORD is easily accessible from downtown Chicago via the CTA’s Blue Line, though the commute takes about 45 minutes from The Loop.

Fastest time

5h 20m

Cheapest ticket


Daily trips


Traveling by Amtrak train is the most comfortable way to get from Chicago to St. Louis. Fares start at about US$25, with 5 trains departing each day.

This route is serviced by Amtrak Lincoln Service and Amtrak Texas Eagle, though the Lincoln service tends to be just a little bit faster and cheaper. Both offer comfortable seats with extra legroom.

Of the 3 different ways you can travel from Chicago to St. Louis, we recommend taking a flight. Compared to coach and train travel, it is by far the fastest option to St. Louis, with an average travel time of 1 hour 30 minutes, making it worth the higher price.
Taking a flight is the fastest way to get to St. Louis from Chicago. Nonstop flights can get to St. Louis in as quick as 1 hour 13 minutes. To compare, the quickest coach on this route takes around 5 hours, and the quickest Amtrak train also takes 5 hours.
Traveling by coach is the cheapest way to get to St. Louis from Chicago, with tickets averaging about US$23. Train travel is a little more expensive, costing around US$33 per ticket. Flights are the most high-priced option, with tickets starting at US$76.
The distance between the two cities is about 262 miles, or 422 kilometers. Getting to St. Louis from Chicago can take anywhere from 1 hour to 7 hours, depending on the mode of transportation.
United Airlines is a good option for this route. Since O’Hare International Airport is a United hub, prices tend to be cheaper when compared to competitors.

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