Pros: Bus was on time and not crowded. Cons: Some more restroom stops.
Pros: We were on time 2 hours early. Cons: The comfort of the seats. Tips: None.
Pros: Me gustó porque estaba limpio y llego a tiempo hasta 30 minutos antes. Cons: Nada todo bien. Tips: Que siempre lleven comida o agua.
Pros: Value. Cons: The bathroom was disgusting.didnt even have toilet paper.i texted asking for wifi pass code and never got an answer.
Pros: We get time to use the restroom and eat. Cons: Nothing of my knowledge. Tips: Expect the unexpected.
Pros: Staff was helpful. Cons: Bathroom needs to be more clean.
Pros: It was literally freezing ! I had 13 h ride over the night - couldn't sleep at all bc of freezing temperatures. Had to buy blanket for the way back. Cons: Freezing temperature Enforcement of using headphones for the devices. Tips: Freezing - get blanket, and hoodie.
Pros: Bus not crowded. Cons: Bus being on time. Tips: Be prepared in case bus is late and you have connections to make.
Pros: We made it safely. Cons: I couldn't charge my phone. It needed a plug outlet.