Pros: Easy trip. Cons: USB A port. plz. And faster wifi.
Pros: I traveled to many places. It was nice. Cons: Time delay problem.
Pros: It was fun, quite and comfortable. Cons: There was no charging point, that should be installed.
Cons: 行きのバスは特にエアコンがききすぎて寒くて、カーディガンを羽織っても寒くて、さらに着替えで持参した長袖を着たり足元にかけました。 エアコンの温度をもう少し調整してもらえたらよかったです。 あと、カナダからアメリカへの入国審査があり、書類を記入しましたが、他の言語での記入例を添付してもらえたらすごく嬉しいです。 時間通りに安全な運転をありがとうございました。 いい旅をお安くできてとてもよかったです!. Tips: バンクーバーからシアトルへ家族で行きました!時間通りに送迎してもらえて、とてもよかったです。シートも座りやすく快適でした。エアコンが効きすぎるので、上着などを持参するといいです。.
Pros: Trip was absolutely fine but what is miss is the wifi. There was no wifi in the bus I was unable to connect to with my friends. Cons: There should be wifi connection. Tips: Everything was really good.
It was amazing driver as well he was good driver ever!!
Pros: A very pleasing experience. Cons: Provide Wi-Fi. Tips: Speak softly..don’t disturb the fellow passengers.
It’s nice and convenient service I like to use this service again.
Pros: The bus was on time and very clean, and the driver John was super friendly and helpful. The announcement he made for getting through the U.S. border was very clearly. Cons: It would be great if the legroom can be more spacious and if there are outlets for charging the personal device. Tips: Plan the trip and book the tickets as early as possible so you can get better deal.
Please make sure there's WiFi on the Amtrak bus
Pros: good price. Cons: I would be happy if there was an outlet installed.
We were allowed to take an earlier bus than our ticket and our driver was calm, cool and friendly