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All the Places You Can Visit from Columbus for Less Than $20

Cheap bus and train travel from Columbus.

Planning is the most stressful part of any trip, so we did the work for you! We looked into our system and found some cheap bus trips under $20 that you can take you to 18 cities from Columbus.

Those include popular destinations like Cleveland and Logan where you can camp under the stars and relieve stress in Hocking Hills State Park.

If you’re really searching for some cheap bus tickets, remember to plan ahead and book early so you don’t miss out on the best travel deals. Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be any $1 deals available from Columbus but there are still plenty of destinations that won’t break the bank.

We found the cheapest bus and train tickets for a trip out of Columbus, but if you’re looking for even more options, check out our Explore search tool to find places you can travel based on your budget.

West Virginia

Route $1 Deals? Cheapest Avg. Price
Columbus to Parkersburg $15.00

What is Cheapest Average Price?

The cheapest average price is the average amount of all of the cheapest bus or train fares available on Wanderu for a certain route over a 30-day period.

Bus and train carriers utilize what is known as dynamic pricing to determine ticket prices. That means that when a specific trip goes on sale (usually within four to six weeks prior to the trip date), tickets for that particular bus or train start at a certain low price and then get more expensive the more tickets are sold for that trip.

The cheapest average price may vary according to availability and carrier changes. At Wanderu, we always bring you the best available deals out there and we’ve got even more tips to help you score really cheap bus tickets.

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About the author
Staffo Dobrev

Staffo Dobrev

Having lived in some of the greatest cities in the world, Staffo has always had a soft spot for travel and adventures. Instead of hitting the usual tourist attractions, though, Staffo prefers to make friends with local people and check out fun places and activities that are not in the travel books.

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