Pros: Arrived on time. Cons: 2 tracks at the train station, we have no information on which track we have to wait for the train. WE tried track 1 and hopefully it was the good one. Tips: Use track 1 from Windsor to go to New-York.
Pros: The staff! Ther were extremly helpful (I was a tourist form Europe) and kind :) good job :). Cons: The proce - it's a little to high when you are trying to book the ticket on the same day as travel is. Tips: Just book the trip and take a pleasure of traveling.
Pros: The ease of boarding a train and sittingnin a comfortable seat. Cons: The air felt a bit stuffy.
Pros: Was especially very pleased with how friendly and welcoming several staff were on my return back to Connecticut. Traveled up the Northeast passage from NYC and could not have been more content with how funny and honest Amtrak staff were. Five stars. Cons: Cleanliness in the restrooms. Tips: Have your tickets READY. For the sake of everyone, and so we can all leave on time together ! :P.
Pros: Very good leg room for coach and seats were comfortable. Cons: The trip home was overcrowded and noisy. Would also be super helpful to keep lights off at night so passengers can sleep. Tips: Overall, it's a great way to beat NYC traffic and find your way to the heart of the city.