Pros: I could just sit back and relax. It takes about the same time as driving. The price was reasonable. Tips: It was cool, drafty by the aisle. Take a wrap.
Pros: I got to see my boyfriend. Cons: The bathrooms. Tips: bring a pillow and a blanket.
Pros: Big seats and very on time! Cons: There are no tables at the seats.
Pros: My trip was solo travel, pleasure, visiting friends and also professional development (NYC art viewing intensive as a college art instructor). I love to pack a lot into my shorter 3 day visits to NYC. Having a mellow train ride with wifi and beautiful views is the perfect framing, (restful prep and decompressing) of the intensive NYC activity. Cons: I was pleased with the experience...over all. Tips: Get up and walk around the train, visit the cafe car for a change of pace, talk to people. That is one of the beauties about train travel. The wifi and electrical outlets in the seats are great for getting work done or escaping into a movie or show.. But don't get so engrossed in them that you miss the amazing views up through Massachusetts and Vermont.