Pros: I really liked my trip because I didn't have to drive. I am not in the best of health. And knowing that I can arrive at my destination in a safe and come train ride. I have used Amtrak for the past 4 years and never uncountered a problem. And I will continue using Amtrak in the future. Cons: Restroom are the much needed for improvement. It's hard using this facility when they are not cleaned. Lots of travelers use these facilities and they get really dirty. During your trip. And they are not serviced through out the trip. Tips: Traveler should always be courteous to other travelers. Especially to the staff on Amtrak. They work hard to make sure everyone trips are safe and enjoyable comfortable.
Pros: Comfort , scenery , rails. Cons: Price for buying same day tickets . Better food availability , more smoke breaks. Tips: Bring a blanket and pillow.
Pros: Had absolutely a comfortable and enjoyable trip!! Cons: Some of the staff were kind of sharp and quick!! i know they are under a tight schedule but a little more "inter action with the Cust" in front of them would be better! Tips: KEEP YOUR MASK ON!! QUIT ARGUING WTH THE STAFF!!